Improved (hopefully) version of Harmpsal

Gabriel Productions asked for another step between six and seven.  Here 'tis, and I hope it does the trick.  If not, let me know, and ever intrepid, I'll try once again!


  1. Gabriel ProductionsJuly 13, 2010 at 8:23 PM

    Thanks, thanks, thanks! I tried 4 tonight but based on your comments on your new tangle, think I will give it a rest for awhile. My recent graph paper purchase is proving money well spent :) As for your new tangle, have to snicker. It is absolutely wonderful but just imagining me doing it at this point gave me a giggle. I am off on vacation soon and spent my coffee break using heavy duty office paper cutter to make tiles (not my size of choice, way too weensy for me but I like to make myself play outside my comfort zone). Made little zen doodle kits for my young nieces by tangling paper purses and filling them with tiles, pencil, markers, pens. I can't wait to introduce them to your site and your pieces.


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